
Where does Sensory Oojamabobs ship to?

At present Sensory Oojamabobs only dispatches items within the United Kingdom.

Shipping costs

Shipping starts from £1.25 for 2nd class post. The total shipping cost varies and will depend on how many Oojamabobs you purchase and the total weight of your overall order.

How quickly can you get my order to me?

Chewy jewellery items are nearly always dispatched within 1 – 2 working days of your order being placed, as long as full order information is provided.
To prevent your order being delayed, PLEASE check to make sure you have provided all relevant information. The information I need to complete your order is below

Chewy jewellery:

  • Pendant colour
  • Lanyard length/clip-on length
  • Lanyard design


  • Rubber band colour(s)
  • Rubber band pattern (custom Fidgi-Flip orders)
  • Lanyard design


Standard items such as chewy jewellery and Fidgi-Flips will be already made and as such can be promptly dispatched. Custom clip-on’s, chewy bracelets and custom Fidgi-Flips may take a little longer depending on the number of custom items currently being processed.

The length of time taken for your order to be made and dispatched will depend on how many orders of custom items I have on the go at that time. If I have a number of custom items I am making, your order may take a little longer.

I’ve done my best to estimate dispatch times below, but rest assured I’ll always try to beat these. Whatever the situation, I can promise I will get your order made and dispatched as soon as I possibly can; I know how important these items are and that if you have ordered them, they are NEEDED as soon as possible!

If you’d like to know the status of your order, please do drop me a line. I’ll get back to you promptly!

Dispatch times

Chewy Oojamabobs will be dispatched promptly, usually within 1 – 2 working days. 

Custom items will take a little more time depending on how many orders I’m working through, but I will aim to get them out within 2 – 3 working days. 

Please allow 1-2 weeks for lap weights to be made and dispatched.

As I mentioned above, I will always work to get items out as soon as humanly possible!